The price was set at rather high, but I talked the Madame down to 20 CHF in my terrible French. The top of the table has two huge cracks and the legs were all loose and it was about to fall apart, but something about the style of the table spoke to me. It looks so much better in the photo; in person it was awful looking. I had no idea where to put it or even what to do with it, but for 20 CHF, who cares!
Below is a picture of my entry hallway with unfinished wood frames, very blah. Not pulled together at all. I should have taken a before picture of the hallway near the front door. In that corner use to be strollers, scooters and my sons shoes. Things just kind of piled up in that corner and drove me crazy.
Well my favorite little decorating shop, Fischer Deco in Lausanne was having a major sale on their Designer Guild pillows. I was browsing, when I found this little green pillow and it just all clicked! Cheap Table + Hallway + Green Pillow - Kids Crap = Happiness!

I was so inspired by the green in the pillow, I just had to paint the table Kelly green! I do not normally do color furniture and my husband seemed nervous when he saw me painting a wood table green. He is strongly against painting wood.
My little DIY 20 CHF flea market find turned out pretty nice after using tons of wood filler, sanding, new screws and lots of green paint and presto!.
I am no decorator by any means, but I think my hallway turned out pretty decent. I painted the wood frames in the hallway a glossy black and the different shades of green make me happy!